Thursday, January 06, 2005

Tsunami Fundraiser

Courtesy of

Wade Simmons is always thinking. Over the holiday Sir Smooth and his girlfriend were trying to think of a way to help Tsunami victims in Asia. Wade realized that most riders have a lot of bike stuff they would love to get rid of. Stuff that is no longer wanted by the owner but maybe highly coveted by other riders.

If you can't bear to throw it away but you can't bear to keep it either let's put it to good use. There will be lots of new gear donated by the local pros (who will be in attendance). nsmb team rider Colin Miller is donating a frame, some XT brakes and two pairs of Profile cranks. There are bound to be great deals on some sweet products.

Everything will be priced rock bottom so get there early if you need some stuff.

WHEN: Drop off gear on Thursday January 6th or Friday the 7th from noon until closing or bring it along on Saturday when the sale will be going down. The sale itself will be on from 11am until everything is gone.

WHERE: Deep Cove Bike Shop (Main St. location - 1389 Main in North Van) Click here for driving directions.

WHAT: A sale to benefit Tsunami victims. All proceeds will go to the Canadian Red Cross and will be matched dollar for dollar by the Canadian Goverment. Coffee will be served and MTB celebrities will be in attendance.

WHO: Wade Simmons, Lisa Lang (Especially Lisa!) and Cove Bike Shop deserve the props for getting this off the ground. This is a great idea that will benefit a very good cause.
What can be donated? Any usable gear. It could be jerseys, shoes, cranks, tires, saddles - virtually anything.

What happens to left over gear? If you want it back if it doesn't sell get in to Cove to pick it up. If not it will be given to Our Community Bikes on Main St. in Vancouver.
More info? A thread was started on our bulletin board where you can ask any questions and learn what sort of gear is going to be donated. Click here to check it out.

If you can't make the sale but have some stuff to donate Wade will arrange for it to be picked up. You can give him a call at 604.908.4059 or Gabe at the Cove on 604 929 2222.

If you would like to contribute but don't have any gear to give away bring a cash donation or contact one of these organizations.
Canadian Red Cross1-800-418-1111 or on-line at
Médecins sans frontières1-800-982-7903 or on-line at
Oxfam Canada1-800-466-9326 or on-line at
Salvation ArmyDonate at 1-800-725-2769 or
Unicef Canada1-877-955-3111 or on-line at
World Vision1-800-268-5528 or on-line at